1. I lived in Beville, Texas for 2 months when I was 4 years old. My Dad moved us there to find work. He worked on oil rigs. My Mom hated it there. My grandmother came to visit us there from Birmingham and the day she left to go back home, Mama sent me to B' ham with her. When Daddy got home he wanted to know where I was and Mama told him that I was in Birmingham. He told her to go get me and she told him that if he wanted me he would have to go get me himself. So they just moved back to B'ham.
2. When I was a kid I always wanted to be an only child. I had a brother and two little sisters and I only felt like a kid when I went to spend the night with my uncles, aunts and cousins. Now I'm glad I have siblings.
3. I saw Crystal as a baby in a dream several years before she was born.
4. I was in the Girl Scouts for 6 years.
5. I was a cheerleader in Junior High. (6th thru 8th grade)
6. I have always wanted to try caviar. I have recently had some of the pink on some sushi. I still want some of the baluga (tiny black fish eggs).
7. In the 70's I had an apartment in Southside on Idlewild Circle. My room-mate grew marijuana in the kitchen window. She told me that it was bachelor buttons and I believed her.
8. I never dated until I was 21 years old.
9. It took me 5 years and 3 summers to finish high school. My Mom always told me that I would graduate if I had to do so in my old age.
10. In '63 my Mom was right in the middle of the protesting of the intergrating of the public school system. Two years later in '65, my freshman year, one of my best friends was a black girl.