I didn't have a specific need for the trip, I just went to get out of the house. We made a few stops & I got a few new pink Christmas decorations for my Lucy tree this year. Lucy is getting an upgraded tree. I got a brand new silver tinsel one from ebay, which I'm very excited about.
We were ready for lunch & went to a place I had never eaten. It's kinda of a buffet country kitchen kind of thing. Mom had been there before & had a good experience, so I wanted to give it a try. Plus they serve fried catfish...I love me some fried catfish! She also said my meal would only be $6.99. When we got there, Mom suggest we get it all to go & have a picnic at the park. It was an amazingly beautiful day & I was all for it. I grabbed a coke & a fried apple pie from the counter & it rang up to over $12. That was one expensive apple pie! Mom decided to stop by the Publix to get a fountain drink from there. So, we finally made it to the park, but most of the picnic tables were gone & the ones that were there, we already being used. We drove around the park & by this time I was in one crappy mood. I don't really have an explanation for it...I just was. And I went over the edge when we just parked & sat in the car to eat. It unnerved me for some reason. I was fussing & went to take a bite & dropped my food on my shirt. Which caused greater hysterics from me! Mom had gotten some fried green tomatoes. I don't like them, but I always like to try them again to make sure. She handed one to me & it was super hot, I started frantically blowing my poor hand. The tomato fell apart, because it wasn't really green anymore & I didn't want it. I was complaining & frustrated the entire time. It was also hot as heck yesterday, Crystal + hot & sweaty= ill as an old wet hornet! I kept looking at the sky & saying, "Lord, it's freakin' October!!!!!!!! Please make it cooler weather!" During all of this, it was like I could see myself acting a fool, but I couldn't stop myself. Do you ever do that? Know you are being such an idiot & can't seem to snap out of it? Hahaha! What helped was when Mom took a bite & it fell off her fork & food was all down her chin & the front of her "shopping shirt." It was hilarious. All in all the food was not good & that fried apple pie was nasty. I decided to give it to some of the 100 geese that were at the pond. They were on the other side of the pond & started coming too me, once they realized I had some goodies. But they weren't exactly nice. I didn't have enough pie & they were letting me know it. Or maybe they were mad because it was nasty pie! I was about to be attacked, if I hadn't gotten the heck out of dodge when I did.
When left & finished up our important stuff I convinced Mom to stop at this antique/consignment store I have wanted to go to since it opened (I didn't realize it has been open for 3 years!). Jen & I almost went on Saturday, but got side-tracked. Let me just say...I have found my new favorite place to go! This place stinkin' rocks!!! It is 2 levels of room after room, wall to wall, old stuff & new stuff all mixed together. They even have I Love Lucy things! I can not believe I have been missing out. I'm in heart with it. Oh & we ended the day with wonderful Route 44's (Fresh Lemon for me, Diet Cherry Limeade extra cherries for Mom). Too bad I can't send that in my Favorite Things gifts, because it would surely be in the box!
Here are the lessons we learned:
- Do not eat at the place again.
- That certain park no longer has many picnic tables
- When you have $ to spend, you can't find anything
- Walmart no longer has a craft area...This makes me sad
- The calendar is wrong...It's June, not October
- Crystal doesn't eat in cars very well
- We found a new incredible place to shop...Wee Doggies!