Friday, November 17, 2006


Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. Mama always found a way to make the holidays special. The awesome smells of roasting turkey, corn-bread dressing, giblet gravy, green beans, sweet potato casserole, macaroni & cheese, deviled eggs, stuffed celery, olives (green and ripe), cranberry sauce (jellied only), ambrosia, million dollar pies, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, rolls and sweet tea!! I'm sure I've left some things out.
We would wake up to all these wonderful smells. We would all hang out in our pj's helping Pilgrim mama Pilgrim Girl prepare the food while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and couldn't wait till we saw Santa riding on his sleigh with all his reindeer at the very end. Such a warm and fuzzy feeling I get remembering that.
We would eat till we were sick. Go lay down on the sofa or in the floor on a pallet with pillows, take a nap, watch movies or sometimes sit around the table playing games till we decided we were hungry again. I think we actually ate one meal that day: continuous, ALL DAY LONG!!!
I wish I could turn back the clock sometimes. I pray that everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.



~Crystal~ said...

That was a sweet post...I remember Thanksgiving at Granny's & all the food she always had. The best food too!

Anonymous said...

I can not only smell it, I can taste it and feel it! What sweet memories! This is why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, too. I'll never forget sitting at the kitchen table(before Daddy built the addition), laughing like crazy and I got up to go to the bathroom. When I came back to the table, Diane (or someone) had put hot pepper sauce in my tea! We could not stop laughing.