Wednesday, December 14, 2005


These pictures were took on May12th, 2000 on Palise Verdas Beach at Crystal and Daniels wedding. Josiah was just a couple weeks old.
PRAISE YOU, FATHER!!! I ask you Lord to manifest yourself to Dan, Maria, Ben, the Martinez family, the Atchison's family and everyone else that is feeling the loss of this Precious little Angel, JOSIAH! We all know that he is in a much better place, but that does not fill the void and the pain that his family and friends and feeling right now. We all know that time heals but Lord they need a special lifting right now. Maria is so lost without her baby. Dan is lost with out his first born. We all feel the sadness and wish we could take the pain away. Only You can heal their hurt, Father. Let Your blessings and peace rain down on them right now Father. There are so many lives being touched, all over the world thru this precious little Angels sickness and death. The name Josiah means ' WHOM JEHOVAH HAS HEALED'! That has been seen in so many lives. People all over the world have watched and prayed with and for this family for the past year and so many lives (salvations and relationships) have been HEALED!! Even though we were all praying for Josiah to be healed there was HEALINGS happening all over the world that we just weren't noticing because of being focused on Josiah's healing. You are an AMAZING God! Your word does not stand void. I praise You and thank You for the many blessings that you have brought forth and will continue to bring out of this sad situation. In the precious name of JESUS!!! AMEN & AMEN!!!!

1 comment:

dana said...

I second that, I am at a loss for words. I know as all mothers are, that it is just such a hard thought to lose a child. My son is close in age to Josiah and it hurts to even think about it. I can't imagine the amount of pain the family is in.