Friday, August 24, 2007

Interesting Stuff

I am sure Mom is going to like learning about this item, since she is a closet nurse. Hahaha. Do you know what a pulse oximeter is?

It is a medical device that measures the amount of oxygen in a patient's blood and changes in blood volume in the skin, producing a photoplethysmograph (big word, huh?). It is often attached to a medical monitor so someone can see the patient's oxygenation at all times. Most of the monitors also display the heart rate.

This has been a sponsored post.


Hewy Nosleep said...

I love the name of your blog. Keep it up!

Mel said...

I got a little something in the mail yesterday :)

That was too sweet- thank you for thinking of us!! I hope it fits because that means she has a small head and my crotch will appreciate it!!!!!

Fly out like a slippin slide!

Shionge said...

I have no idea at all but now I know :D