Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I have been stuck on 76 lbs. for the last week and a half. I even started riding my bike and using my Cross-bow!! I love it.
As of this morning I am down 77.4 lbs. Sure it gets a little disouraging but my body knows best. It has to catch up. I feel amazing. I eat very healthy and I take my vitamins religiously!!
Since I have cut out my carbs, I crave fresh oranges!! I have also learned thru this that the California oranges are sweeter, juicier and have a thinner peel than the Florida oranges. YUMMY!! My mouth is watering right now for one. I have also developed a mojor love for celery, especially with peanut butter on it.

1 comment:

Staci said...

I was the same way with oranges when I lost weight last year. I craved them! I just hate peeling them. But it was worth it, I like the Florida oranges better than the California oranges, only because we don't have them here in Texas... We have Texas Oranges and CA oranges. So when I get a FL one, its a treat! Anyway- Speaking of Oranges I bought a big bag for discipleship, and I need to go cut them up! Congrats on the weight loss... I know our bodies hit numbers and get stuck there- but its so good when you step on that scale and see a decrease!