Friday, March 03, 2006

Another surgery!!!

I went to my surgeon today for my 6 month check-up and to get my B12 shot. While there I had him check a hernia that I have and the places where I think I have found two more.
The one that we have known about since before my gastric-bypass is right above my belly-button and I have to sometimes push it back in. He was pretty concerned about that one so I am going into Shelby Medical Center, Tuesday morning and he will go in laproscopically and take a look to see if there are others and then decide if he can patch them lapro or if they have to open me up.. I will be spending one night unless it gets complicated, BUT it's NOT!!!
The one that I have to push could perforate and that would call for emergency surgery and could get really messy. DON'T want that, so we decided to go ahead now and not take any chances. Keep me in your prayers!!!! They DO work!!

My new favorite scripture:

Isaiah 58:9 You will call, and the Lord will answer; you cry for help and He will say: "HERE AM I."

1 comment:

MarylandMommy said...

Good luck, will pray for you!!!