Saturday, March 25, 2006

Warm Weather PLEASE!!!

I have always been a lover of WINTER!! I love to wear winter clothes. I've always said that in the winter I can add more clothes on to get warm to where in the summer I can't take enough off in order to get cool.
Well, I think all that has changed since I've lost 91 lbs. of insulation. I have been about to freeze this winter and it hasn't really been all that cold. My nose, hands and feet stay cold. I will wear 2-3 pairs of socks at a time. BRRRRRRRRR!!!
I am longing to sit outside on the front porch in my swing and read, but it has been too cool and breezy. It's beautiful and sunny but just a little too cool to sit very long. Never thought I would ever see the day when I wished for warm weather, but I AM!!!


dana said...

I will take some warm weather up here too please. It is just so cold, we haven't gotten above 40 yet except for one day, we took the kids to the park and it was packed. But since that day, it has been freezing. My feet stay cold alot, and my little hillbilly kids won't put socks on for anything so their poor feet stay cold too.

prftpeace said...

hahahahahahha----so funny!!! I think it's because you are getting old....I didn't have the surgery and I am having the same problem!!