Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My newest hobby!!

I have been able to crochet for as long as I can remember. Crystal even has a Barbie Outfit that I crocheted for one of my Barbie's when I was a kid. When my Mom was alive I use to sit and watch her knit. I thought that it looked like so much fun so she attmpted to teach me. I felt as if I was all thumbs. Just couldn't get the hang of it. Recently I have been watching a show on DIY called "Knitty Gritty" and it has stirred up a new desire to learn to knit. I went to Wal-Mart and bought me a teach yourself to knit kit and some yard for Crystal and I because she wants to learn as well and I thought it might be kind of fun to learn together.
I couldn't wait to get home to give it a try. At first I would get very frustrated, but I was determined to learn. It looked too easy for me not to be able to do this. After many tries and several sets of needles (metal and bamboo) and watching different peoples techniques on tv as well as on-line videos, I finally got the hang of it. I am loving it. So much fun.


Anonymous said...

Katrina's 11 year old daughter, Kallie, has learned to knit from her Grandmother. She has knitted several scarves as gifts and does an incredible job! The last thing that I knew she was knitting was a shawl for herself. She loves knitting, too, and she's 11! How many 11 year olds in this era do you know love to knit?

Shionge said...

I've tried to have a go at it Vickie and you know what? Yes I do enjoy it if I simply going and going knitting in the same direction. I get lost if I stop...LOL

Happy knitting my dear frien.

prftpeace said...

I have tried several times over the years to knit and crochet, but I just can't get the hang of it. For one thing the yarn makes my fingertips swell and itch. It's hard to do anything when your fingers are swollen!

MarylandMommy said...

You go girls!!! I just learned too but it is so much fun!!! Be sure to post your projects!!!

Mel said...

I want to learn this hobby too- I always wanted to sit and move those sticks all around and actually be able to create in the process...

As far as the challenges I was wondering where you went--you have been MIA this week!!

native-nc said...

My parents are race fans & Sam likes Will Farrell(not my fav)....so when they offered to pay we went. Definetly a waste of time & money.

Also, my mom can knit & crochet. She tried to teach my sister and I how when we were younger. We're both left handed & she's right handed so we just didn't get it. I may try again "someday" but who knows when that will be. Mom also tried to teach us to sew. Poor Sam- he has to sew on all the buttons.