Thursday, January 24, 2008

Month in review!

Here are a few pictures to go with my review:

Since Christmas life has been slow around my house. I'm enjoying the cold weather. I got all my Christmas decorations down and semi put away. I packed my ornaments away, individually wrapped and in their own tub but everything else is just piled up waiting to be carefully packed away in a new tub I bought a couple weeks ago. Just can't seem to bring myself to stop walking past it and to it to get it done. Before I can actually store it away in the closet I need to clean out the closet and organize and get rid of things but...............I'm not in the organizing mood! That mood has either gone to sleep or on a long extended vacation. She'll be back someday and when she does she will do some damage around here.

A week ago Sunday I had one of my episodes to where I feel like I am going to pass out, my heart is racing, I'm sweating profusely and my body is not responding to my mind. SCARY!!

I finally, not sure how, compose myself enough to get down some orange juice, potassium tablets and some peanut butter and within 15 minutes I felt like a new person. I can usually tell when these episodes are going to happen and I am able to head them off with the OJ, potassium and some protein but this time there was no warning. It scared me pretty bad and so I decided with some persuading from Crystal and Danny to go to the ER to have it checked out. This was around 5 pm Sunday evening when Danny and I left the house. They did blood work to check my sugar and my potassium and said those looked good. I told them of my families history of silent heart-attacks and so my doctor decided to keep me over night for a 23 hour heart monitor and a brain scan to make sure I didn't have any bugs in there!! Everything checked out great. SO...................................................... the problem? Seems to be that being a post gastric by-pass patient I am experiencing what they call DUMPING!! Where my sugar will just bottom out. I have to catch it as soon as I feel it coming on so I don't pass out and possibly go into what is called a diabetic coma. Even though I'm not a diabetic it could happen. I was instructed to eat evey 2-3 hours to keep my sugar up. Man, I feel like I am eating all the time. So if you happen to see me eating in Church, while walking thru Wal-Mart, in the doctors office , where-ever...........that is why. It will more than likely be me with my trusty jar of peanut butter and a spoon. And....NO .....................I won't share. S O R R Y !!!!!!!

Last week it snowed a little and we were prepared food wise. We went and bought our bread, milk, canned soups and goodies. Danny and I were settled in for whatever was to come. I even made sure we had plenty of kerosene for our heaters incase the power went out. I think we got maybe a inch of snow. I was a little disappointed, but at the same time excited that we didn't lose power. That is so depressing to me. I can handle it for a while but not very long. God knew exactly what he was doing when he put me in the 20th-21st century. I would not have made a good cave woman or pioneer woman. I LOVE my electricity.


~Crystal~ said...

I'm so happy you actually blogged something! I like the snow pictures & Danny's purty plaid outfit. :)

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!! A POST! So glad to hear from you! Love you! Be-Bo

Jenny said...

Great post!

~Donna~ said...

FINALLY..I think I check this thing everyday for a new post! Well, if the organization lady stays on vacation for months to come, you won't have to worry about draggin' all of that Christmas stuff out again, it'll be there for you to put it out again! :) And I can see you pullin' that jar of PB out of your purse during church... :)

Mel said...

Yea well you may not have BUGS up there But it's a good thing they didn't look anywhere else!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! A real post!!! I hate all the's like watching t.v. with too many commercials. Keep posting!!

Jamie said...

I couldn't believe it when I say an actual post from you!! Love it!

Nicole said...

keep em coming!

~Crystal~ said...

Looks like your adoring public missed you. :)