Sunday, May 08, 2005

Wear Pink because.......

It has always been a tradition, ever since I can remember, for women to wear corsages to Church on Mother's Day. So every year when it came time to get that Mother's Day corsage I always forgot what color I was suppose to wear. I would have to call Mama to ask her every year what color and she would say (and I can hear her now), "Vickie! If your mother is dead your wear white. If your mother is alive, you wear red. I'm only half dead so you wear Pink." So for years even before she passed away I would have a pink corsage. I sure do miss my Mama and it has hit me harder this Mother's Day more than in the past several years. I MISS YOU MAMA!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I LOVE YOU, VICKIE


Nicole said...

I've never heard that about white or red... neat.

i miss my grandmother (my mom's mom) she was an awesome lady. She never met Jessica or my husband and my girls will never know what an awesome woman she was.... i miss her :)

Jamie said...

I forgot to tell you Happy Mother's Day, Ms Vicki! I love keeping up with your blog! I love all the history and heritage!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I went out to the cemetery to take flowers and sat down next to Mama's grave under the shade tree for a while. It was so beautiful and peaceful and I found myself talking to her. It was an awesome experience. She is greatly missed but I will see her again one day and that is what keeps me going when I think about her. dd