Monday, January 23, 2006

I've been tagged!!!

I've been tagged by Crystal, so here are FIVE of my pet peeves. I could probably put down 105, but I won't!!!

1. I hate to go to buy groceries and the people are'n't trained to bag your groceries before they stick them up there to do so. I watch them like a HAWK!! You do not bag chicken with anything other than chicken. Don't bag my perishables with non perishables. Don't bag toiletries and cleaning items with food items. GGRRRRR!!

2. I can't stand to see people eat with their mouth open or make smacking sounds while eating. I want to smack them NASTY!!!

3. I really can't stand BODY ODOR! There is no excuse for anyone to have body odor unless they've been working in the heat and have been sweating for hours. Good deodorant soap and water and deodorant/anti perspirant is not expensive.

4. This is a BIG one!! UNDISCIPLINED children! People, your children are a reflection of you. If they are undisciplined, it is YOUR doing or not doing! Wake-up and stop living in denial!!

5. When I get a phone call from someone or I am calling them back by their request and they can't and don't talk to you because they are talking to somoene else in the room with them. If you don't have time to give me your undivided attention, DON'T BOTHER!! I tag Deb Acton, Daniel , Dana and Cori!!


prftpeace said...


MarylandMommy said...

I totally love #1 & #5!!!!!

Nicole said...

1. Ditto
2. gross
3. um... guess i'd better shower before i come over
5. sometimes i can be guilty of this but at the same time it gets on my nerves too.