Thursday, June 01, 2006

I borrowed this from another blog!

"When a person has an attitude problem, what they really have is an arrogance problem. . . When we are most full of ourselves, we are most likely to make fools of ourselves. And when we are full of ourselves we leave no room for God . . . Pride fills up the space where integrity needs to reside.
A person of integrity is a person of TRUTH. Yet truth itself is not what forms integrity; rather, it's what informs integrity. Only the teachable heart will embrace whatever truth is needed for the moment. If we are not teachable, there will be no transformation. If we are unwilling to listen, we are incapable of learning. That is why Jesus calls us to be disciples and to make disciples. It is the student of life who will learn how to live. . . Integrity is formed in the heart of the humble." Erwin Raphael McManus

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is so true. I am glad you borrowed that from someone else's blog, or I never would have read it. Thanks!