Monday, August 29, 2005

My Night at the Sleep Clinic!

I got to the clinic about 5 minutes till 8 last night and had to wait till someone got there to let me in. I beat the tech there. There was only me and one other lady there for the clinic. The tech showed me to my room, which was very nice. Double bed, comfortable chair, ceiling fan, cable tv and a really nice big bath. I could stay a week if they'd let me.
She told me to get my pj's on and watch tv or read until she got through with the other patient and she would be back to wire me up for the night. She came in around 9:30pm and by 10 I was in bed, had my Ambien and it was lights out. When that Ambien kicked in , I was out. I woke up once a couple hours later needing to go to the little girls room, so she came and unhooked me and I made a quick trip and right back into bed. The next thing I remember she was waking me up to go home. I thought I had just gone to sleep.
I was home by 5:30am. I had to wash my hair as soon as I got here to get all that gooey stuff that they attach those electrobes to your head with out of my hair.
Well, it is now a little after 7 and I thought I would go ahead and post my evening before I hit the sack. Gotta go finish sleeping off that Ambien. GOOD NIGHT!!!! (MORNING)whatever!!

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