Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Old Dog New Tricks!!

Don't tell me you can't teach this old dog new tricks.
My PC has been running very slow lately and even freezin' up on me some. I know that she's pretty dusty and I'm sure the little fans in there are pretty coated with all kinds of fuzz because my PC is in my sewing room. There's always fuzz flying in here. So, I talk to Nathan Acton, because he's so stinkin' computer smart and he's my PC buddy, and asked him if it's ok if I take the cover off my tower and get me some canned air and clean her out. He says sure, but to PLEASE be sure and unplug her. Okie dokie!! So I go to Staples and I get me a twin pk of 2-10 oz. cans of air and I'll ready to roll.
I get home, unplug her, take her to the living room and set her up on my ottoman in front of my chair and I proceed to take the cover off. I look it over real good and the only screw I see that I can take out, I do. But, the cover won't budge. I tug and pry with my trusty little screw driver and she ain't budging and I know that if you are having to force something, you ain't doing it right. So I call Daniel, my-son-in-law, (he's my favorite son-in-law), and got him to run over to see if he can figure it out. He's pretty computer savvy, but he can't figure it out either.
He leaves and I call Deb Acton. She pretty computer savvy also. She even built her own but she doesn't know how mine comes off. I finally decide to do what I should have done in the first place; get out the manual, DUH!!!
Oh well, that was a old trick that this old girl forgot to use, which should have been the first thing I should have done. Piece of cake. Unscrew that onelittle screw, press the little black button and she slides right off. I blew the garbage out of her. I had dust in my mouth, up my nose, in my eyes, my hair and all over me and my chair.
I get her all cleaned out, put her cover back on, plug everything back in, turn her on and she runs like a new one. YEAH!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself.
See what you can do if you read the manual first.


prftpeace said...

glad you took Nate's advice and unplugged her---you could have fried her when you were electrocuted!!

~Crystal~ said...

I'm rolling my eyes...

Staci said...

I need to clean mine out. Its been years since I did it last. Mine is even in a covered cabinet, but it still gets so dusty!