Thursday, August 18, 2005


Today, Crystal and I went to Stix and I ate my very first Sushi. I have also always wanted to try some caviar and my sushi was rolled in the tiny orange caviar and MMMMMMMMMM, oh so good. The next time I go, all I'm eating is Sushi. I love cold foods and Sushi is served cold. YUMMO!!! We also had their Shrimp LoMein. It was delicious, but I loved the Sushi. I wish they would deliver, I would call them right now.
I am most definately going there for my last big meal before my surgery. I guess Danny won't be going with me. Today I told him that I ate my first caviar and my first sushi. He asked where I got the sushi. I said that I got it in Hoover. He said, "You went ALL THE WAY to Hoover to eat Sushi?" I said, "Yes! I drove 7 miles to eat Sushi. I guess the next time I go, I'll just pack me a suitcase and spend the night in a hotel since I'm so far from home." He said, "Oh Shut-up!"


~Crystal~ said...

Danny's ALWAYS been that way. He thinks driving to B'ham in like taking a trip to Africa. What I don't understand is, why anything north is far away. But anything south to Clanton isn't.

Anonymous said...

Okay Girls, stop picking on Danny, again! rg

Jamie said...

With gas prices the way they are... I can't hardly blame him!

Staci said...

That makes me laugh- I can hear you and Danny saying all of that! Thanks for making me smile today!!! I needed that!

native-nc said...

Poor danny!