Saturday, July 09, 2005

A New Look!!

My Beautiful, Sweet, Talented and Blog savvy next-door neighbor came over and gave my blog a NEW LOOK and a NEW TITLE!! How do ya'll like it? THANKS Crystal Dawn!!!


~Crystal~ said...

Sweet? Since when have you ever called me sweet? I don't think you have ever put me & sweet in the same sentence before. Are you sick?

Vickie said...

I'm having a senile moment.

Staci said...

Hey I love it!!! I wish your neighbor could come help me with my blog.... its boring.

Nicole said...

Maybe she can come to my house and help me... i don't have the patience :)

prftpeace said...

your neighbor promised to help me with mine about a month or so ago.....I can see that she will stay busy helping us "less computer literate".

Maybe she should start charging for her time....she certainly has a business opp here!!!