Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Ah, the good ole' days!!

We I was little back in the 50's, toys were nothing like they are today. Baby dolls were just plain ole baby dolls. You might have had one that if you gave it a bottle of water, it would wet their diaper and my Cheerful Tearful had real tears after a bottle. We would take our babies and our diaper bags, go outside under a tree and make us a little house. We would take the broom and sweep back dirt and heap it up in a line to form the boundaries for walls and a opening for the doors. Hang towels or sheets up for the outer walls sometimes. We had little dishes and we would collect the leaves, blooms and the seed pods off the mamoosa trees to make different food items out of. We also had mud cakes and what ever else our imaginations could come up with. We would play all day long. It would be hot and we would be sweaty,but heck we didn't notice because we would be having so much fun. Mama would have to make us come in for lunch and then make us lay down inside for awhile during the afternoon while it was really hot. Back then we were told we couldn't be out in the hot sun like that too long because it could cause polio. After we got up we would head back out to play some more.
Around '58 Daddy built us a swimming pool out of galvanized tin. We were the only kids in the neighborhood with a pool like this. It was 8'x8' square and was 2' deep. Mama and Daddy would fill it up and once we got in you couldn't get us out. Every afternoon when Daddy got home he would run in and put on his cut offs and would jump in with us. Man, we thought that was great. That was the highlight of the day. We had some neighbor kids that lived behind us, down the alley that were jealous of our pool. We would go back outside in the afternoon, after our nap and it would be full of red dirt, rocks or crab-apples. We would have to clean it out and then wait for it to fill back up.
I really miss those days. I cherish the memories.
Playing in the big yard. Playing under the huge weeping willow tree where it was always cooler. Smelling the clean wash that Mama hung out on the line to dry. Eating fresh figs off the fig trees we had in the backyard. Going to the drive-in movies in our pajamas. Packing a big basket of food and having pic-nic on a road-side pic-nic table on some back road.
Those were the good ole' days!!


Anonymous said...

I remember those play houses too. I tell my granddaughters about that and they think I'm nuts. I wish real life and housekeeping was that easy . You never had any bills to pay with the play houses, no mail box stuffed with them.

Anonymous said...

Yes, those were the good ole days! Sweet memories. rg

prftpeace said...

great memories!! Although I was told too much hot sun would cause sun stroke---not polio.

I've been told by someone with a master's degree in psycology that when you begin to think of things retrospectivly like this it only means one thing........

Well, V, it's official......we are OLD!!!

Nicole said...

Neat story... thanks