Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Finish the Sentence. . .
1. My home is... what I call nasty-neat! I love stuff but I HATE to dust!

2. I am listening to... Auzzie romancing Hoochie!!

3. Maybe I should... dye my hair like Nakomis on Big Brother!

4. I love it when... Crystal and I get ready to go somewhere and we wind up with the same color on, because she HATES it!! LOL

5. My best friend is... JESUS!!!

6. I don't understand ... how anyone can walk this earth and discover all its beauty and not BELIEVE in GOD!!

7. I lost... 115.5 lbs.

8. People say that... I look like Anna-Nicole Smith! he-he

9. The meaning of my screen name is... I'm BIG, my hair is SILVER and I was born in '51! (bigsilver51)

10. Love is... never having to say your sorry! Anyone know where that line came from?

11. Right now, somewhere, someone is... eating caviar and I WANT some!!!

12. I will always... be a CHRISTIAN!!!

13. Once upon a time... I lived right smack dab in the middle of the Birmingham International Airport. NO KIDDIN"! In the early 50's my Dad worked in one of the hangers at the Airport and we lived in a housing project for those workers and it was called, "Tar-paper Hill"!! Now it is all airstrips.

14. I never want to... ever become totally dependent on anyone to have to physically take care of me.

15. My personal motto is... live each day to its fullest and eat all the SUSHI you can!!

16. When I wake up in the morning... I put on my glasses and go to the potty.

17. I get annoyed when... someone pours something to drink, like sweet tea, and leaves dry sticky stuff on the counter. GGRRR

18. People always... comment on my silver hair!

19. I sing... in the shower!

20. Hugs are the best when... ever you get them.

21. Today I... am a little gassy (ha-ha)!! Aren't you glad we don't have SMELL-A-BLOG!!

23. Tomorrow I will... be less gassy, I hope!!

24. I really want...pork-skins right now and the only ones I like can only be found at Wal-Mart in Pelham and I can't drive for another week and a half! I'm crying !!

25. If my girls/boys were born the opposite sex, I would have named them... the whole time I was pregnant I sorta wanted a boy so he could play T-Ball, but I knew I was having a girl because I saw Crystal in a dream 2 years before she was born. Her name was suppose to have been Misty Dawn but her Dad didn't like Misty and wanted to name her Crystal after Crystal Gayle, the country singer but I got to keep Dawn. I never picked out a boy name.

OK, now I tag Mel-Mel and Shionge!


Shionge said...

Whoa! So glad to see you recovering well...hope everything is fine with you.

Love your challenge Vickie....set me thinking now hahahah....

So, they say you look like Anna-Nicole Smith eh?? Good one!

prftpeace said...

Thanks for playing, Anna....hope it didn't tire you out too much. I couldn't sit up for long periods of time after my hysterectomy--and that was 27 years ago!!