Monday, July 24, 2006

Sunday Bedrooms!!

This is my Guest Bedroom! It is full of hidden treasures!! The bed headboard and frame use to be Danny's when he lived at his Mom's, the mattress and boxspring: I bartered some alterations for, the bakers rack I bought at a auction at Kingwood, the little table was a roadside find, area rug was given to me before it was sent to a thrift store, the shears I made from a 10 yard bolt of fabric I bought at Wal-Mart for $10, the door behind the head of bed was a door that came out of Kingwood's old church building, I bought the cabbage patch doll (on bed) at the thrift store and I made her outfit out of scraps of fabric, the big throw pillows/table runner & little quilt piece on the little bench were two antique guilts that I was able to rescue from a friend and that was what was salvagable. My favorite thing in here is the quilt on the bed. It was a Christmas present from Crystal several years ago.

I will post my Master Bedroom tomorrow. I forgot to take pictures of it and my little man is already in bed!!


~Crystal~ said...

This was my bedroom growing up & it looked NOTHING like this then.

Shionge said...

I would love to be your guest that guest bedroom. You know, it sort of like being young sweet.