Saturday, July 08, 2006


Can you tell I'm on a RANTING horse or what!! Man, you hear about road-rage, what about WAL-MART rage!!! I have got to where I HATE that store.
When Target opens up in Alabaster, I may never set foot in WAl-MART again.

Danny and I decided to go and stock up on groceries and replenish all the other unedible things we were out of today. We get into Wal-Mart and we head towards pharmaceuticals and I start getting the things I need. I needed about 5 different vitamins that I have run out of. Then I went over to get some of those little cotton rounds to take nail polish off with and I start noticing how empty the shelves are. Either all these Shelby County folk have all of a sudden come into alot of money or they just aren't stocking the shelves back like they need to be. I begin to notice that all over the store. You can rarely find an employee to help you find anything and there are usually only a half dozen check-outs open and they are lined up.
Wal-Mart needs to wake up and see that if they would treat their employees right and hire enough to keep the store straight and stocked they would make more money. I think I'll just buy them out!! What do ya'll think?
Then I proceed over to the women's wear to check the clearance racks and I am running into people all over the store because they don't look where they are going, they are inconsiderate of other people and are just plain STUPID!!!!! HELLO people!! Wake up. The world does not revolve around just you, OK!!!!!
There was a woman standing in the middle of the women's department, leaning on her buggy, blocking FOUR aisles on her cell phone. Like she was the only one in the whole freakin' store. I had tried going around her but all the aisles were blocked. I decide to stand there to see if she would get the message, BUT---- NOPE! Not Ms. Dummy! I heard her tell who ever she was having this long winded conversation with, "Well, I haven't found anything yet!" I said, "Well, if you would get off the ___ phone and you can find it!" She moved and I walked off and I don't know what kind of look I got from her and she really wouldn't have wanted me to see it because there would have been a Fat Kat fight right in the middle of Wal-Mart and I would not have lost!!!
I think some people go around their neighborhood and pick up every screaming, crying, undisciplined kid they can find before they get there and I want to SLAP them. They kids are running up and down the aisles, screaming because they can't have everything they see and their parents just tune them out. LEAVE the little BRATS at home. If you can't train your kids to behave in public then leave them at home. I decided then and there that we would get all of our non-parishables there and take off to Publix. Wal-Marts produce looks aweful. Fruit flies on everything. Everything was picked over and looks like it is half rotten before they put it on the shelves. I'm not gonna pay the prices you have to in order to get fresh fruit and veggies and them be half rotten before you get them home. The meat looks like it is covered in some red slime in their blowed up packaging. I hope you all know that the meat is shipped to Wal-Mart pre-packaged and all they do is put it on the shelves. The reason the packages is puffed up is because it is gassed to keep it red looking. NASTY!!! I hope you all enjoyed my rant. I did stop and take a half a xanax while Danny was checking out at Wal-Mart so my trip to Publix was alot better. Not only because of the xanax but it is a pleasure to shop somewhere it is clean and organized and you aren't constantly bumping butts with somebody else. Thank you for letting me rant !! Now I feel so much better.


Mel said...

HAHAHAHHAHA! You make me laugh so hard!! HAHAHAHA.......So fill in the blank for me!!! At least give us a letter. GRRR..Get 'em!!

Vickie said...


Mel said...

hahahaah hahahahha hahahaha- gotta tell ya- it's a good thing ya told me because I put another one in the blank!! :)

~Crystal~ said...

I put another one in the blank too. And now I realize why you were cursing on Mel's blog.

dana said...

I love the story. We just got a super center close to us and I was excited to go, but disappointed when I got there. Not much on the shelves and hte produce looked well not produceish. I will stick with Meijer or Kroger. And I am all about brats in public, but I feel like parents today are kinda in a catch 22. If your kids are acting bad and you spank them or discipline them in public, people are on the phone calling CPS but if you don't discipline them, those same people are telling you how bad of a parent you are for letting your kids act like that. You are a bad parent either way. My kids (for the most part) know how to act in public, but I have felt that way sometimes.

dana said...

I meant no brats in public

prftpeace said...

hey....let me know next time you need to go to Wally World and I'll call them and let them know your coming so they can throw out all the cell phone talking, aisle blocking, bratty kid owner, selfish, stupid people that get on your nerves---cause I love ya!


Jenny said...

This is our experience every time we go. I hate it. I admire the fact that you said something to the woman. I'm always scared to say something because round here you'd get knifed in the parkinglot by a gangsta.

Jamie said...

That is exactly the reason that I go late at night with no kids. Of course that presents a whole new set of irritations! Boxes and loads of stuff to be stocked blocking every aisle and no one to check you out! Oh, and red necks never sleep. There is always someone to keep you entertained at my Wal-Mart!

Nicole said...

I try and go to Walmart at night too. I have way more fun when the store is empty... i also buy way more :) But I'm a parent with a 19 month old and I'm afraid to take her in public b/c .... well go to my blog